János Darvas
Selected Projects

Leoš Janáček - Documentary for  WDR/ARTE - to be released in 2006
[ Info (english) in PDF format - opens in a new window ]

Paul Abraham - Documentary for WDR/ARTE - to be released in 2007

Ex Tempore - for WDR - in development

La vida es sueño - Life is a Dream - Das Leben ein Traum
after Pedro Calderón de la Barca
Stage director: Johan Simons - A RuhrTriennale production in co-production with NTGent

Adapted for television by János Darvas for WDR/ARTE

The White Room - Der weiße Raum - format development [ soon... ]

[ János Darvas  H o m e  P a g e ]    [ Projects 2007 ]